The Shipping Bin
Notice the shipping bin by your barn? You can use it to ship and
sell all the crops and dairy products you've cultivated on your
farm. Low-quality produce won't be accepted, so make sure you
only ship the good stuff. You can check your earnings and
shipped items from the Farm Info section of your Bag Menu.

How to Ship
Simply select the item you want to ship from your Bag and the
amount, and place it in the shipping bin! Takakura will come by
every morning at 5:00 AM to empty the bin and sell the items in
the city. He'll be back around noon that same day, placing your
earnings in the deposit box in front of your house.

Opening a Shop Stall
If you've got items you can't ship out, you should sell 'em
to Van or open your own shop stall. You can open a stall in
the plaza by pressing the A button there, as long as Van
ain't already set up there.