Field Screen

- Stamina
- This bar shows how much Stamina you have. Once it reaches zero, you'll pass out and wake up 3 hours later with a bit of your Stamina replenished.
- Date
- Displays the current season and date. Different crops and fruit trees will be ready for harvest depending on the season.
- Time
- Displays the current time.
- Weather
Displays the current weather.
= Sunny
= Cloudy
= Rainy
= Stormy
= Snowy
- Tool/Item Swap
- Press the Left bumper to switch between your items and tools. Press Up/Down on the D-pad to switch between five rows of item slots in your Bag.
- Mini-Bag
- Displays items or tools in the selected slot of your Bag. Press Left/Right on the D-pad to switch between items/tools, and then the X button to use them.
- Control Guide
- Shows available actions using the X, Y, A, and B buttons.