Field Controls

Left stick Tilt slightly to walk, or fully to run.
Right stick Move the camera.
Press the Right stick Alternate the camera view between first- and third-person.
Right bumper + A button View item information.
Right bumper + Y button Call your dog.
Right bumper + X button Call your horse.
Right bumper + Right stick Tilt up to zoom in, or tilt down to zoom out.
Right trigger Reset the camera behind you.
Left trigger + Left stick Hold to keep facing the same direction while moving.
Left bumper Switch between items and tools in your Mini-Bag.
D-pad Select a tool or item (Left/Right), or switch the Item Bar (Up/Down).
A button Confirm/Talk to people, examine objects, and pick up items.
B button Cancel/Put away a held item.
X button Use a tool or item.
Y button Open your Bag Menu.
Menu button Open the System Menu.
View button Open the Map.

Taking Photos

Take photos by selecting the Camera from your tools and pressing the X button.
Right stick Change the camera angle.
Y button Use the timer.
D-pad Press Up to zoom in, or Down to zoom out.
Right bumper Take a photo.
B button Exit photo mode.
Menu button Open your album.

Using the timer

With that timer setup on that camera of yours, you got time to move around and get everythin' in place before the shutter goes off. Might be useful for takin' some group photos, or gettin' good landscape shots from around the valley.

Menu Controls

Left stick/D-pad Select
A button Confirm
B button Cancel
Left bumper/Right bumper Change Tab