Field Screen

  1. Stamina
    This bar shows how much Stamina you have. Once it reaches zero, you'll pass out and wake up 3 hours later with a bit of your Stamina replenished.
  2. Date
    Displays the current season and date. Different crops and fruit trees will be ready for harvest depending on the season.
  3. Time
    Displays the current time.
  4. Weather
    Displays the current weather.
    = Sunny = Cloudy = Rainy = Stormy = Snowy
  5. Tool/Item Swap
    Press the L1 button to switch between your items and tools. Use the Up/Down Directional buttons to switch between five rows of item slots in your Bag.
  6. Mini-Bag
    Displays items or tools in the selected slot of your Bag. Use the Left/Right Directional buttons to switch between items/tools, and then the F button to use them.
  7. Control Guide
    Shows available actions using the A, S, D, and F buttons.

Bag Menu

Pressing the A button opens your Bag Menu where you can organize your items, check your relationships with the townsfolk, and find other tools that will come in handy.
  • Bag
    Check the items in your Bag.
  • Request List
    View requests received from the bulletin board.
  • Farm Info
    Check your status, wonders collected, and shipped items.
  • Animal Info
    View a summary of all the animals currently on your farm.
  • Resident Info
    Check your friendship level with each of the residents in town. (Including your dog!)

Bag Controls

Use your Bag to view and organize the items you collect. Press the F button to throw away items, or the Options button to sort them automatically.

Energy and Fullness

The Farm Info section of your Bag Menu will help you keep track of your Stamina, Energy, and Fullness levels. Workin' on an empty stomach or eatin' a spoiled dish takes a toll on your Energy. Make sure to rest up and eat a good meal every once in a while.

System Menu

Press the Options button from the field screen to open the System Menu.
Write in Journal Save your game by recording your progress in your journal.
Read Journal Load your game from a previous save point.
Takakura's Notes Review tips on farming life from Takakura.
System Options Change in-game settings.
Back to Title Return to the title screen. Any unsaved data will be lost.